

May 22, 2024 (01:30:37 PM)


This website contains all the resources used in the delivery of CSCI 1301 - Principles of Computer Programming I at Augusta University, as well as practical guides and additional resources for students and instructors.


The initial authors of this material are:

Additional contributions, by undergraduate course assistants or other colleagues, are tracked by version control.

This material could not have been without the generous contribution of past CSCI 1301 instructors, among which Aubrey Bryant, Leszek Gasieniec, Onyeka Ezenwoye and Paul York. Additionally, the School of Computer & Cyber Sciences’s past and present academic advisors, Laura Austin, Denise Coleman, Markus Bacha, and Wennie Squires, and communications & marketing specialist, Haley Bourne, improved the Academic Life notes through their suggestions and references.


The authors were supported by an Affordable Learning Georgia Transformation Grants (Proposal 571).

This project could not have been without the support of the School of Computer and Cyber Sciences and of the Center for Instructional Innovation.


We strive to prioritize open-source software when possible, and occasionally contribute to them.


This website uses different technologies.

  • The markdown source code is converted to html, pdf, odt and docx thanks to pandoc and pandoc-include.
  • The pdf format is compiled using XeLaTeX.
  • The source code is highlighted thanks to Pygments.

More details on the tools we use can be found in our user guide.


We use the URW Gothic and Hack (inspired by the DejaVu font) fonts. Those fonts have been specially selected for their legibility and lower impact on environment.


  • The source code and the website are graciously hosted and built by github.


This work is under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International. Concretely, this means that you are free to:

as long as you give proper credit and keep the same licence.

Please refer to our licence file for the detail of this licence.