Lecture Slides


May 22, 2024 (01:30:37 PM)

Book Topic Corresponding Slides
Introduction to Computers and Programming pptx, pdf
Introduction to the C# Language pptx, pdf
Datatype Basics pptx, pdf
Datatype Details pptx, pdf
Operators and Conversions pptx, pdf
Arithmetic on Mixed Datatypes pptx, pdf
Reading Input, Displaying Output, and Concatenation pptx, pdf
Class and Object Basics pptx, pdf
UML Diagrams and Method Call Details pptx, pdf
Variable Scope and Reference Type Details pptx, pdf
Constructors & ToString pptx, pdf
Overloading & Properties pptx, pdf
Decisions and Decision Structures pptx, pdf
if, if-else and if-else-if Statements pptx, pdf
Switch Statements and the Conditional Operator pptx, pdf
While loop and Increment Operators pptx, pdf
Do-while and Loop Vocabulary pptx, pdf
Combining If Statements and Classes pptx, pdf
Combining While Loops and Classes pptx, pdf
Arrays pptx, pdf
For loops pptx, pdf
Foreach, Break, and Continue pptx, pdf
The static Keyword pptx, pdf